Its About Time

I guess its about time, time when i need to sit down and work my ass off. focking hell! 1:30am in the morning and I'm doing my law studies, pretty alright progress but nevertheless getting distracted.

Distracted by the computer, even my hairs irritating my eyes. I NEED A HAIRCUT but just cant afford. Thanks to the cap Osman bought for me the last time. Its of good use now, in which I hardly wear caps or beanies or any headwear at all. Im bored.

Beware: something I dont do very often, at least not here.

Sorry bout the pits.
Hip hop looking. But as much as I'd love to look or go back into the old hiphop shit. Next picture

Checked sleeping pants at 1:30am in the morning fits the whole hiphop criteria.

I was going through some songs, and I came across some Korean ones. As much as I got so irritated by my mum last time for having korean dramas, and songs being played literally the whole time back home; as much as I hate to say this, I actually miss them. Perhaps Im just home sick. I need to do well for this exam, I need a good place for summer internship 2009. I need it.



30 March 2008 at 12:41

have you been working out? body looks good:)can see those biceps.