Strings of Pathetic Issues

Sometimes I wonder whether things will change back Home in Malaysia.

Over the years, I've picked up issues such as Malaysian politics, climate change, economics and etc. To start off, Malaysian politics - definitely good to know whats happening and what's more likely to be the truth or otherwise. However, if you were a patriot to the country, thinking the country is good as it is , I would strongly suggest that you should not read into Malaysian politics and often quoted : Ignorance is Bliss.

The recent by-elections were alright, I was disappointed with Batang Ai's result. But also to be fair to voters there, they probably do not know what is development in the sense of maturity and also physically through buildings/roads and etc. They are kept separated from the rest of the world, Barisan National feeding them with sweets, telling them that they're the best government, parties from Peninsular are just here to rip/rape you of your land etc. What they dont know is Barisan being hypocritical about the whole issue. They need to be notified of whats been happening.

Good string of incidents, Najib being the recent Prime Minister where he's been carrying shit loads of allegations from corruption, the incitement to racial issues, linked to a murder case and so on. Yet, he is made the leader of the country. I had no objections of who becomes the PM but of course you have to come clean yourself before you come forward and say that you'd only pick clean members to be part of the cabinet. The level of maturity in Malaysian politics have failed, have a look at China, population of more than 1.3bn and yet being so matured in politics. Yes, the way of them running the country may be different but u see progress, the world looks at China differently compared to when they first open up to the world.

Altantuya's murderers/mastermind gets away untouched. The courts did not state any motive/mens rea as to why the murder happened. Throwing down a death sentence for those 2 policemen wont clear up the mystery behind that. For all you know, since nobody has really seen the faces of those 2, they can easily substitute or even let them both go secretly. Nobody knows.

Picking the new cabinet is another issue. Hishamuddin being the minister of home affairs? What qualification does he have? Pacifying other races by raising his keris, instilling fear into them hence a more peaceful Malaysia?

What happened to Khairy despite him winning the Umno Youth? He deserves something to be honest, I believe he is capable just that perhaps all these while he has not gotten his priorities right, ambitious and proud. Mukhriz on the other hand did not win yet gotten a place in the cabinet. Ministry of trade, some profit making ministry.

Mahathir, dont tell us Malaysians that you did not play a role in this. We're not idiots. We do not need you back, such a old hypocrite. Don't accuse one of corruption when you are no different.

After all these years, Malaysians are still fighting for their own personal good, personal benefit while the world has moved on taking issues which have more weight. Of course not forgetting the welfare of it's citizen but major issues like climate change and etc. Grow up Malaysia, would u need another 50 years? 50 years of embarrassment?