Well, I really felt like putting my thoughts on somewhere.
Posted by TrippyT Sunday, 11 October 2009 at 00:40
Well, I really felt like putting my thoughts on somewhere.
Posted by TrippyT Sunday, 20 September 2009 at 21:26
You know how fast time flies when you've been in university for two years and now being in the final year.
Yesterday was like the day moving into university and today you're unpacking, moving into another new place for the last time (at least for my undergraduate studies).
This brings me back to the whole aim of this post, ie: a dedication to my mum, cause I know she'd find time to read this blog, to check on me; despite the fact that I might be too busy/lazy to get it up.
Let me just show off about my mum, she's great for many many reasons. Recently with the passing of my grandmum, the sheer dedication she had, she'd never feel tired making trips and I mean long distances since Kajang is never ever near anywhere just to take care of my grandmother! That's one.
Apart from that, this year was rather different. I realized towards the end that I've spent quite a short time in Malaysia. Unlike before where I was traveling for a month max and then being around home either bumming or doing up an internship. This year around was less. Towards the last few days at home, I suddenly missed being around the family. I've never quite had the feeling of being unhappy of letting go. Very often I can just let things go and move on without the burden. As bad as it sounds, I mean I've been strong most of the time and this was a feeling never felt before.
Even on the fact that my parents did not stay long in Oxford when they first sent me here. I did not feel much even when they left immediately after I unpacked.
This links to another thing that I really really appreciate my mum for. I know I may not look appreciative or what BUT the moment I reach like the UK and when I unpack those stuff. I would see how nicely arranged they were! Those shirts and duvet covers/bed sheets. Man. That's when you know you have the best best best mum ever.
The questions that she'd ask you like, you wanna bring instant curry over this time? You wanna bring this? Bring that? Despite the fact that she was so busy with my late grandmother.
I mean mum, these are the small/big things that you've done and I really really thank you for that and I love you. Getting old is nothing, you had always looked the same may it be 10, 15 years ago. I cant say 20 because I would be too young to remember and I would be lying if I said 20! That's besides the point.
You know, the everlasting love and care I would repay. You will get your sports car in a few years. ;)
With much love and regret for not calling earlier. Happy Birthday Mum!! I LOVE YOU!
ps: no pictures either SINCE I do not have internet at home and currently in uni just for the internet!
Posted by TrippyT Monday, 24 August 2009 at 03:31
Posted by TrippyT Wednesday, 22 July 2009 at 09:30
Been back from Bali after 2 weeks, got back a few days ago and still been pretty busy with some other issues. Bali was good just except that after being exposed to some pretty awful sights, my perceptions been changed.
A few more days till Bangladesh and I'm not sure whether I could do it, I hope I can, I dont know.
Should I go to Bangladesh, on the other hand, my grandmum is really ill, I've got back earlier than planned from Bali and I dont know whether I should leave at this time for my internship.
Posted by TrippyT Friday, 26 June 2009 at 18:17
Dear friends!
Please watch the video below, spend some time to watch it and of course continue to share it with others.
Humans are plundering this earth, not forgetting politicians who are not doing anything about it.
here ;)
Posted by TrippyT Thursday, 25 June 2009 at 16:12
Been a while to update isnt it. heh, truly sorry about that. Have been crazily busy with uni, pretty glad I got the travel scholarship and also a small prize being the top in the department. wafoo. :D
At least things are getting in place, investments here and there, attended a conference on Carbon Credits, relatively new topic but I guess it's about time Malaysians pick up the pace and try being a leader within this region.
Met inspiring people from the conferences:
Take a look around and see what they do for the world and people. Time to do something against climate change!
Another site where I made contact with the chairman, young French guy, truly inspiring. More to do! :)
Apart from that, I've been home for almost a month now. Been reading up, lazing, meeting friends, good meals around, got back from Perth almost 2 weeks ago, it was all good!
I cant wait for the next month, travelling to Bali for 2 weeks or so then Bangladesh for my placement. Learning slowly in German, wish I was faster. Enjoy the pictures and I miss you!
Posted by TrippyT Friday, 10 April 2009 at 00:40
Sometimes I wonder whether things will change back Home in Malaysia.
Over the years, I've picked up issues such as Malaysian politics, climate change, economics and etc. To start off, Malaysian politics - definitely good to know whats happening and what's more likely to be the truth or otherwise. However, if you were a patriot to the country, thinking the country is good as it is , I would strongly suggest that you should not read into Malaysian politics and often quoted : Ignorance is Bliss.
The recent by-elections were alright, I was disappointed with Batang Ai's result. But also to be fair to voters there, they probably do not know what is development in the sense of maturity and also physically through buildings/roads and etc. They are kept separated from the rest of the world, Barisan National feeding them with sweets, telling them that they're the best government, parties from Peninsular are just here to rip/rape you of your land etc. What they dont know is Barisan being hypocritical about the whole issue. They need to be notified of whats been happening.
Good string of incidents, Najib being the recent Prime Minister where he's been carrying shit loads of allegations from corruption, the incitement to racial issues, linked to a murder case and so on. Yet, he is made the leader of the country. I had no objections of who becomes the PM but of course you have to come clean yourself before you come forward and say that you'd only pick clean members to be part of the cabinet. The level of maturity in Malaysian politics have failed, have a look at China, population of more than 1.3bn and yet being so matured in politics. Yes, the way of them running the country may be different but u see progress, the world looks at China differently compared to when they first open up to the world.
Altantuya's murderers/mastermind gets away untouched. The courts did not state any motive/mens rea as to why the murder happened. Throwing down a death sentence for those 2 policemen wont clear up the mystery behind that. For all you know, since nobody has really seen the faces of those 2, they can easily substitute or even let them both go secretly. Nobody knows.
Picking the new cabinet is another issue. Hishamuddin being the minister of home affairs? What qualification does he have? Pacifying other races by raising his keris, instilling fear into them hence a more peaceful Malaysia?
What happened to Khairy despite him winning the Umno Youth? He deserves something to be honest, I believe he is capable just that perhaps all these while he has not gotten his priorities right, ambitious and proud. Mukhriz on the other hand did not win yet gotten a place in the cabinet. Ministry of trade, some profit making ministry.
Mahathir, dont tell us Malaysians that you did not play a role in this. We're not idiots. We do not need you back, such a old hypocrite. Don't accuse one of corruption when you are no different.
After all these years, Malaysians are still fighting for their own personal good, personal benefit while the world has moved on taking issues which have more weight. Of course not forgetting the welfare of it's citizen but major issues like climate change and etc. Grow up Malaysia, would u need another 50 years? 50 years of embarrassment?
Posted by TrippyT Sunday, 15 March 2009 at 19:13
Yesterday was quite a productive day, I somehow wonder how can Real Estate fellas cope with the course, get a first in the course. The course isn't that tough to understand but there's too much to work, assignments every other week and apart from that, we get exams too. I'm rushing on assignments but I cant seem to find any time to understand my lecture notes, let alone study and memorize. -_-
On a better note, went to a friend's penthouse in Oxford yesterday. Absolutely lovely, came back to my own house after that, felt that it was more like a shithole.lol. Imagine where the bedrooms are on the ground floor and at the end of the corridor, a spiral staircase leading to the top, where his dining area, living area and kitchen is situation. A pretty good sized balcony where it seems wonderful over summer, we had our BBQ there, good food, good company with a bunch of guys.
We watched a film/documentary yesterday : Bueno Vista Social Club. It gave me so many different thoughts:
- I want to travel to South America
- There are just too many cultures and talents all around
- Would the Cubans be the same without American's sanction of them
- So much more....
Basically, the movie was on these group of lovely, Cuban jazz players, specialising in different intruments, lovely lovely voices and all. They last performed in this Social Club in Havana was probably in the 1940s and that film was made in the early 1990s. Ry Cooper, an American guy decided to go to Cuba and seek for these legendary musicians and he convinced them to play once more. Bear in mind, this is after 50years since they last performed and which means that they were all around 85, 90 years old. They were so so fit, imagine the coordination you would need to sing and play an instrument, they were showing off on stage, feeling proud again.
Imagine your close friends and you, your crew, your band, your homies were to meet up after 50 years and do what you use to do 50 years ago. Imagine the bond. They were just amazing although I dont understand Spanish(but with help of English Subtitles)
Perhaps Havana cigars did play a role in keeping them healthy. My tribute to those guys who left the club and those who are still playing.
Ibrahim Ferrer (1927 - 2005)
Compay Segundo, a legend, true legend. (1907 - 2003)
Posted by TrippyT Saturday, 7 February 2009 at 11:07
It's been snowing for quite a bit lately, rarely for Oxford and it caught most people by surprise. Lecturers getting snowed in, classes getting cancelled, buses arent operating. Great isnt it.
I'll be going off to Warwick today for their Malaysian Night, hope its good and then come Monday where I'll start off some crazy routines! All in this semester with time outs to the gym and etc! ;)
Apart from that, Im mourning for Malaysia, a crisis is brewing and of course with even the present credit crunch etc. Najib will be taking on soon it seems but before he could even do that, he's appears to be even worse, merciless, cruel and of course corrupted.
Watch this clip, is this where the country is heading to? Come on, put down our differences, we're generalising other races all the time. It's time to let go and be united. No matter how far we go, how far we work/live/study I believe deep down everyone takes Malaysia as their home and is second to none.
Posted by TrippyT Thursday, 22 January 2009 at 04:48
15 minutes to 5am.
Caffeine isnt working that well somehow.
Fatigue is setting in.
I R tired.
I shall sleep.
Posted by TrippyT Tuesday, 20 January 2009 at 23:19
Normally I would not blog anything about Israel and Palestinians.
I don't think I know enough to comment anything about it. The world isn't helping it any better. On one side, people are against it added by some who get so furious hence more violence as a form of retaliation and another side who supports it.
Michael Backman has been one of my favorite columnist, being very bold in nature. I've bought his book titled "Asia Future Shock". Something really interesting but slightly on the short side.
The article below definitely worth some of your time.
Israelis are living high on US expense account
Posted by TrippyT Monday, 19 January 2009 at 18:27
Listen, give it a listen.
Sometimes we just have to sit back and listen.
Posted by TrippyT Tuesday, 6 January 2009 at 22:49
I know its been a while since I've last written about anything. Uh, the crazy stuff going on. Most of the coursework been done except for two more due on the first day of uni. I dont know why Brookes have to give us close to 2 months of holidays. I mean its great but not so in the end since our Easter holidays are too short to even study. Sighs.
Second years been great, challenging year and definitely a very productive one. Often I tell myself to work hard, do well and so much more. Studying in the UK changed who I am and who I was. In a good way and bad of course. Good in the sense that I'm more confident and more exposed. You will never know how its like within a country till you've lived long enough in it.
So much to do, university life and at the same time, why do we even work so hard for university? To graduate then get a job, work ourselves up the ladder? At the end of the day, coming out starting your own business say at 30? 35? Is life all about working? Being blessed, being able to attend talks etc, I've been inspired to start off something, something I hope that will work. Not so much about the money that can be gained but of course experience. I'll keep the business idea on a low first, those who know about it please keep it down too ;)
I had one of the craziest times, I forced myself to finish and hand in a coursework 1 week before the dateline so that I'd be able to attend a trip particularly to Prague and Vienna then fly off from Bratislava. Left for Prague starting on the 14th while spending a pretty good time. Sue Bee introduced a friend of hers, Florence. One of the few people who's able to communicate, click well. Perhaps I don't click that well to alot, I dont know. To me, I live cause of friends and family.
Hoping Prague to be good, I was pretty disappointed. I was expecting people to be really friendly, people to show you around etc but it is rather different. Perhaps I shouldnt have visited a major city but the outskirts, where people still have their own cultures intact. I've always wondered, we call this globalisation but what exactly is it about? Having our cities all modern with skyscrappers, streets occupied by high end brands which you can get in literally any city? Now I understand of why cultures are important. If you even remember/wonder why back in primary our teachers insisted that we play some traditional games like gasing/ tops spinning. Imagine you being a tourist to Malaysia and the people can only offer u the Twin Towers, the shopping beneath it and nothing more.Prague Castle from afar
Prague main square
One of the cathedrals in Prague Castle
Departed from Prague train station to Kutna Hora
Kutna Hora, Kostnice Sedlec
A bone filled chapel.
Dancing Building/Centre in Prague, pretty cool building, a dancing couple ?
Vienna was good, good food, ice cream, friendly people and much more. Of course theres a price to pay. Euros been exceptionally strong that I'm starting to worry for them. Very very nice architecture and sometimes wonder why Malaysians cant change to live in a better environment. You get squeeky clean streets, nice buildings unvandalised, good transportation and more. Theres so much we (the younger generation) can do for the country but of course very often ideas fuelling for change go no where.The Parliament of Vienna
Hofburg Imperial Palace
Christmas Market with the City Council building behind.
It is sad, I spoke to my housemate's family today and they faced almost the same thing back in Zimbabwe. I believe they do miss the life back in Zimbabwe but because it got pretty dangerous for them to live there they had to leave. Similarly, I thought if I were to work in the UK, for sure I'd be making a few folds more of what I can get back home. Then again, it is not the money that I'm after but a better home. Going home with a better qualification might not put u in a good position or rank since corruption is so common, so blatant.
Nevermind that, a new year, a new change. I vow to improve and practise what I preach. Wish me luck as I got a long way to go.