Can I Last?

Yeah, thats right, I'm seriously pushing myself to the limit that I've not ever tried before. I've cut down on sleeping, nowadays 6-7 hours a day is almost enough, not forgetting very often I go to the gym as well after I wake up and now library is almost like my second place to hang out.

Todays timetable:

  • Slept at 4am in the morning (got back from the library at 2:30am previous day)

  • Woke up at 8:40am

  • Lectures at 9am till 11am

  • Collected my results for Valuation : 71% shit marks and although my answers were all correct, the lecturer didnt like my layout.

  • Got back to the room around 11:45am

  • Rested abit, gym at 12:20pm

  • Walked to a pub for lunch at 1:20pm

  • Got back around 2:30pm

  • Went online for a bit till 3:30pm, had a nap till 4:10pm

  • Found out that my coursemate cancelled the meeting later on.

  • Got back wasted more time on the computer till 5 ish.

  • 6pm - 2am in the morning library.


Jun and I were the only few first year students who study in the library I think. Brookes students party really hard, Stamina 7 is on tonight where they visit 4 pubs and 3 clubs I think where we decided to miss out.

I was in the library till 2:30am yesterday and today almost the same. When we got out of the library, people were just about to leave the student union clubs or some getting back to the uni by cab. They're partying hard while we're TRYING to study hard. Perhaps its just me still trying.

Some pictures when we started going crazy, we're also reliant on Relentless, a drink containing 32mg of caffiene per 100ml and that can is 500ml. You can do the maths :)

Keeps us going and going till late night, till we really cant take it anymore. Oh well, perhaps thats the way of a german I suppose.

My table of mess, full of notes and scribbling. Sigh.

Our saviour - Relentless, and we dont only take one can each time we study

Jun in action.

Another one. Econofreak

Never complete without Relentless

My stash of Relentless in which I bought from the Student Union Shop. Smuggled in the library.

Trying to concentrate. =/

Yeah, some random bits by Jun, I guess thats the way of motivating me. loll. The last one says

Johnson : 5 exams, 5 peanuts, easyyyy exams. - By Jun

Harvest of Success?

It's getting really hard to focus these days, so many distractions. You know how it feels when especially you dont have much time but you would still carry on and do stuff that you normally wont do when you're free.

Harder and harder to concentrate. (Ally took this scheisse picture btw)

Shouldnt give up nevertheless.

I always believe in this line - Do what you will not regret

Not showing off ok! Im proud of the hardwork, probably working out at the gym has paid off. :) Now its time to do equally well for my studies.

Theres more to gain and I'm still far from my targets, exams and coursework due dates are close! Good luck to you guys and I'm close to coming home soon.xxxx

Out of the Blue

Randomly, some nice pictures taken in Lake Starnberg, Germany last January

:) Seems like something is a sequence

Climate Change

And yes! it did snow a few days ago. weirdly for some weird reasons in which I cant explain. Instead of having snow last christmas, it snowed in Spring, APRIL! wtf. The temperature before snow was so warm, nice and lovely now its back to cold maximum 10 to -1. fuggg.

Pictures some from ally's facebook so its rather small.


Getting Closer

I cant wait to go home and its closeeee.

Jun will be coming to Malaysia and on the 3rd we'll be on a backpackers trip! :D

3/6 - 8/6 Vietnam

8/6 - 11/6 Thailand but probably just around Bangkok

11/6-16/6 Macau/Hk and China but most of our time would be in Hong Kong, depends.

Nevertheless, I have decided to take Jun to Perhentian Island too. So far its Teong Seng, Jun, and im counting Brandon in for sure and u got no reason to not go! Anyone else who will be in Malaysia during that period would like to go? I think its gonna be 3 days 2 nights which cost total below RM400. And OH, we plan to drive there too since taking a bus would cost Rm80 return and u know lah, travelling by bus is dangerous. Shit ass Ministry of Transport and their lousy law enforcement.

Its just an initial stage planning! Hopefully mum and dads fine with that! :D I know I will be travelling alot but u know I wont be able to do much when im tied down with probably the internship.

Needa get down to studying and assignments. SOON! :)

What the feck

Ahhhhh, I cant take this anymore, 1 assignment due this Friday, 2 assignment due next monday, 2 more due around mid/end of April. FECK!

Damn bloody tired today for no reason, missed the first hour of lecture but went for the seminar tho. pfft.

My groupmates are taking this first year so easily, or perhaps Im the one taking it easy. Fecking pissing off, they dont even turn up for group meetings and they do jack shit. feccccck!

For some reason the weather in Oxford is so so warm, even when its not sunny.

YES, i know. But 23 degrees celcius is warm i tell ya. Cant imagine when i get back. :S

Decided on something radical

I have decided to shave my head, couldnt take the long hair no more!

Sigh, this is what you get being away from home when UK pounds are so much more expensive. I'll post the pictures up soon. Planning to get a piercing too! Gotta find moneyyy.