Something either the late Isaac Mendez could do or even now Peter Petrelli. Thats not exactly the point but I mean painting the future would be awesome either way I think. If u were to literally paint a picture bout the future; if its a good happy thing den of course it spoils the surprise but if its the other way, preparations can be done to face it despite knowing it'll come one day.
Anyway, in relation to the title; its my grandfather's birthday today! Happppy Birthday Grandpappy :DLooking at this picture just makes u smile. heh
Just look how he smiles, hes so animated and funny in person and hes now 79 years old. Wish and hopefully he has more years to come and im so glad and proud having him as a granddad. Hes the only person i know who can talk to strangers for HOURS and I really mean it, long winded but nevertheless all that he says are basically words of wisdom from all the experience he had in life. May god bless you with good health! :)
And I miss these 3 men ALOT. My dad, granddad and uncle Bryan. Down to earth, humble, and I really admire them alot after all they've done and achieved.
Anyway, this is life I guess, theres always a sad side or sad part; no nothing to do with the 3 great gents above but now its about a girl/lady whatever she thinks she is.
Well, at the way we're going, we are now moving at a different pace, a different route, different thoughts and the diversion is getting bigger by the day. BUT im sure of one thing, we are equally stubborn and Im very stubborn at stuff like this and I'll stand strong on what I think is right and wrong. We have known each other for say 5 years? Perhaps getting closer after 1-2 years knowing each other and I dont even remember how. However so, I think its coming to an end looking at the way we're going - everything has an ending ; good/bad. Shes really nice but yeah, positive and negative again of course, however I cant quite believe nor accept the fact that she thinks I have feelings for her and the reasoning behind it was because I treated her really well, yeah well, back in the past. Everythings changing, you, me, she. Im tired of giving in everything and I dont think its what Im obliged to do so that I can be friends with her; Im already sick and tired.
Ability to paint the future will clarify everything, but id call that ability - a dream or jokes.
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